SG360° Secures Elite HITRUST r2 Certification

Melanie De Caprio

Wheeling, IL:  SG360°, a leading provider of integrated print and addressable marketing solutions, proudly announces it has achieved the highly esteemed HITRUST r2 certification to enhance their data security standards.

Recognized globally as the gold standard for data security, the HITRUST r2 certification verifies that SG360° has met comprehensive requirements encompassing privacy, security, and compliance controls. This certification provides assurance to clients in healthcare, financial services, and beyond that SG360° is equipped with the highest level of security measures to protect sensitive data.

SG360°’s journey to HITRUST certification entailed hundreds of hours of meticulous work and a significant financial commitment. The company’s investment in achieving the HITRUST’s highest level of security assurance demonstrates its dedication to implementing transparent and consistent data controls. This rigorous process ensures that SG360° adheres to a comprehensive security framework, incorporating globally recognized standards and regulations, including HIPAA, SOC 2, PCI, and ISO 27001.

This achievement not only positions SG360° as a leader in data protection across various industries, but also provides significant benefits to clients who inherit the rigorous controls associated with the certification, streamlining their own certification process and saving time and resources. The certification is just one element of SG360°’s significant investment in its evolution toward becoming the premier source for high-performance direct marketing.

About SG360°

Since 1956, SG360° has thrived by anticipating and addressing client needs in the ever-changing direct marketing sphere. By continually redefining what direct mail is and what it can do, they have become an industry-leading provider of omnichannel direct marketing solutions. SG360°’s dedication to quality is regularly reflected in the multiple industry awards they receive annually.

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