SG360° engages multiple efforts to ensure our role as responsible stewards of our shared environment.
Working with a variety of regulatory agencies and environmental organizations, we actively pursue initiatives to reduce our consumption of natural resources and mitigate our waste byproducts.
Forest Sustainability
SG360° is committed to support the development of better forestry practices. We currently hold chain-of-custody certifications with:
- The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C013141)
- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI-01004)
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification® (PEFC/29-31-318)
We continuously strive to use low-VOC emitting materials, as well as state-of-the-art VOC emission control and energy saving devices, including thermal oxidizers, catalytic thermal oxidizers and dryer/oxidizers.
Efforts to mitigate facility emissions and waste materials are focused on four key areas:

Air emission

Wastewater/storm water discharge

Industrial waste disposal

Hazardous waste disposal
We strive to manufacture our products using environmentally friendly materials, and to operate our facilities in full compliance with the environmental regulations of the:
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (ILEPA)
- County of Cook, IL
- Village of Wheeling, IL
- Village of Broadview, IL
We request our chemical, equipment, and energy suppliers to do the same.
Additionally, we:
- Hold FESOPs (Federally Enforceable State Operating Permits) for each of our printing facilities.
- Report our GHG (Green House Gas) emissions annually to ILEPA and participate in ILEPA’s VOM emissions trading program (ERMS, Emission Reduction Management System).
- Provide training to our employees on the minimization of hazardous chemicals usage so that fugitive and stack VOC emissions are reduced.
- Pass ILEPA’s annual FESOP permit compliance and hazardous and industrial waste disposal audits.
Recycling Report
We recycle 97% of our manufacturing waste. In calendar year 2024, that worked out to:

Our 2024 paper recycling efforts resulted in the following savings:

We track 68 individual types of waste classified as:

Paper, plastic, metal, and wood leave our facilities as waste and re-enter the world as useful items, including…